

St. Croix Health Care, Inc.’s team is comprised of its president and founder, and an advisory board that has dedicated their time and expertise to effectively carry out the initiatives and programs of the organization to maximize benefits to recipients. Members of the advisory board develop goals and policy, and assess the various programs to ensure the organization is exercising sound judgment in its decision making and administering its programs to maximize service to the community. Our leaders and advisory board members include:

Herard LaFrance

President / Founder

Mr. LaFrance founded St. Croix Health Care, Inc. in Cap Haitien, Haiti in 2016. He is head of the organization and is deeply committed to the goals of the organization. Mr. LaFrance is involved in the decision-making for all aspects of administrative, operational, and strategic concerns for St. Croix Health Care, Inc. He has a passion for helping people. A native of Haiti, he is deeply aware of the challenges, especially in the area of public health, that continuously plague underserved Haitians. For early as he can remember, he committed to doing whatever he could to help bring medical relief to people in the Caribbean, especially Haiti. For many years, he travelled extensively to Haiti and the Dominican Republic from the United States to volunteer his time in treating people and distributing medical supplies to the people of the two islands.

Mr. LaFrance is known for his volunteerism and generosity. He is very proud of an award he received for volunteer service: Volunteer Service Award for Service to the People of Central America and the Central Caribbean, presented by then Governor of Florida, Jeb Bush.

Mr. LaFrance has been practicing as a Registered Nurse for almost 17 years. For the last four years, he has been doing exemplary work as a Nurse Practitioner. His extensive nursing and medical background, and experience serve him well as he devotes his time, skills, and abilities in helping to meet the health care needs of residents in Broward County, Florida and Cap Haitien, Haiti.


St. Croix Health Care, Inc.’s Caring Team of Board Members

Team 2

Jacques Vilain, M.D.

Dr. Vilain serves as the director of St. Croix Health Care, Inc. He has 14 years of experience as a physician, specializing in Internal Medicine. He has his own medical practice in Haiti.


Team 3

David Doriscar, M.D.

Dr. Doriscar serves as the assistant director of St. Croix Health Care, Inc. He has five years of experience as a physician, specializing in Internal Medicine. He has his own medical practice in Haiti.


Team 1

Raymond Mondestin

Mr. Raymond Mondestin serves as the accountant for St. Croix Health Care, Inc. He is an Accountant and has been providing professional service for 17 years. Mr. Mondestin has a B.A. in Business Administration.


Team 2

Nesmy Julien, Attorney

Mr. Julien serves as the attorney for St. Croix Health Care, Inc. He specializes in litigation and real estate law. Mr. Julien is a notary public in Haiti.


Team 3

Marie Merci Julien, RN

Ms. Julien serves as the Registered Nurse for St. Croix Health Care, Inc. She practices her skills at Justinien University Hospital, the main hospital in Haiti’s second largest city, Cap Haitien.